
Cambridge University tops university league table…again

8 September 2011
A new report ranking Cambridge University as the world’s top university for the second year running has been welcomed by language experts at Cambridge ESOL.

The UK-based university took the number 1 spot in the QS rankings – an international university league table based on research quality, graduate employability and teaching. Cambridge ESOL – a department of the Cambridge University – has welcomed the ranking. Anthony Harvey, Regional Manager at the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL) for France/Benelux said:
“The report is good news for learners of all ages across the world as it reflects the high standards associated with Cambridge English. Increasingly, the results from English tests are used for high-stakes purposes and this increases the need for good quality assessment. As a department of Cambridge University, we develop all of our teaching, learning and assessment solutions based on research-driven decisions, which ensures they are valid and a true reflection of ability.”
Every year, more than 3.25 million people in 130 countries take Cambridge ESOL exams and tests. These assessments are recognised by over 12,000 universities, employers and government departments across the world.